About us

Charity-Gospel Missions Africa is an indigenous faith-based, compassionate and caring non-profit organization, with its major operations currently in Uganda; our offices are located in Kitintale Zone 12, off Mulangila lane in Mutungo, Kampala.

Charity-Gospel Missions Africa, a Christian organization, was founded way back in 2018 as small outreach group by Mr. Paul Tibeijuka who had a passion for reaching out to the vulnerable people. He believed that through his small acts of kindness and charities to the needy, others would learn and emulate from him hence making each community a better place. Since then the organization has been expanding continuously in terms of social development services, has toiled for the promotion of collaborative, sustainable, and equitable development. Social welfare programs which include among others: Charities, preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, life-skill trainings, community health services, and developing a positive African culture.


It is from such inspiration of working towards making other people’s lives better that the vision grew bigger through various meetings and engagements with different friends, workmates, supported by his church upbringing and working under various church founded organizations.

Values and Principles

  • Humanity
    Members and Staff of the ministry must always be compassionate, sympathetic, or of generous behavior by helping others at times when they need that help the most.
  • Accountability
    We adhere to one's commitment to their tasks and acknowledgment of their specific role within the organization.
  • Trustworthy
    Members and Staff of the ministry must always be reliable and truthful.
  • Empowerment
    Members and community of Charity Gospel Missions Africa must always be great agents of both psychological and organizational or community change.
  • Integrity
    We adhere to an upcoming code of ethics which emphasizes total transparency, sincerity and honesty.
  • Teamwork
    Both members of Charity Gospel Missions Africa and our general community must exercise high levels of togetherness.
  • Approachable
    It should be in our nature as a family of Charity Gospel Missions Africa to be welcoming or hospitable.

Objectives of Charity-Gospel Missions Africa.

  1. RELIGION. Charity Gospel Missions Africa here in after referred to as the mission has the purpose of leading a congregation for worship and development of the Christian faith, provide pastoral care to members to nurture their spiritual development, by holding meetings for corporate worship. This however shall not exclude other beneficiaries of the mission on the basis of believing in other denominations other than Christianity.
  2. HEALTH. Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established to develop the health status by raising money to purchase diagnostic and treatment equipment for hospitals and medical centers. The mission is with the purpose of providing community health care focused on the needs of the community, providing patient transport services to and from public medical centers where necessary to enable patients to access healthcare.
  3. WELFARE. Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established to be a charity whose purpose is to develop social and public welfare by undertaking activities including: Providing clothing, food, shoes, beddings, toiletries, to people who are homeless and others who cannot afford to buy such necessities. Welfare improvement shall go an extra mile to offer free service to assist people with a physical or mental disability to be able to participate in work, and also operating a night hostel for homeless people so that they don’t have to sleep on the streets.
  4. EDUCATION. Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance education by providing life skills training to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The mission focuses on the education of children mainly the disadvantaged persons.
  5. SECURITY, Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established with a purpose of actively liaising with the state security agencies and local authorities, to ensure that steps are taken to protect areas and people that are commonly the target of criminal behavior, so as to prevent future criminal behavior by ensuring that survivors such as of family violence have the support they need to build a life without any fear of violence in future, providing justice support to victims of crime during the trial process.
  6. ENVIRONMENT, Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established with a purpose of enhancing natural environment of Africa, protecting of both the indigenous plant and animal species of the continent through educating people about the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect, promoting the practice of recycling unwanted goods and scrap material, and by promoting the planting of rear plant species in the appropriate locations.
  7. HUMAN RIGHTS. Charity Gospel missions Africa is established with the purpose of having the value of human rights in mind and with a view of developing and upholding them. Such include movements against inhumane and cruel treatment, freedom of worship among many other rights that are protected within the various legal instruments.
  8. CULTURE. Recalling the traditional and initial African culture, Charity Gospel missions Africa is with the purpose developing the positive African culture and protecting them from any external cultures that intend to contaminate with vices causing harm to the African culture. However such cultures should be in conformity with the Christian beliefs and virtues.
  9. THE PUBLIC, Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established with a purpose to benefit the public through advancing the agricultural industry by holding annual agricultural shows ,fundraising events to raise money to be added to the capital of the trust funds established ,managing the trust fund and distributing any income from the fund to charities which have a purpose of advancing in agriculture while working with the state governments at all levels to ensure that the interests of the agricultural industry are represented in regard to the public decision-making process
  10. LAW, Charity Gospel Missions Africa is established with a purpose of promoting or opposing change to a matter of law by conducting public debate regarding education law and policy, to ensure law protection or promotion of an appropriate law or measure that protects both its vulnerable people such refugees and the African states at large. And also advocating for foreign aid to be directed primarily towards relieving the poor or underprivileged people in the African countries.
  11. RECONCILIATION. Charity Gospel missions Africa is established to be a charity and medium with the purpose of promoting mutual respect, reconciliation, harmony, and peace between individuals and among states and individuals within the African continent.